Source code for blackbelt.handle_github

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import json
import re
from subprocess import check_output, Popen
from time import sleep
import webbrowser

import click
import requests

import tempfile
import os
import re

from .config import config
from .handle_trello import (

from .git import (
    merge as git_merge,

from .messages import post_message
from .circle import wait_for_tests
from .version import VERSION
from .notify import notify

GITHUB_CLIENT_ID = "c9f51ce9cb320bf86f16"

UA_STRING = "black-belt/%s" % VERSION

PR_PHRASE_PREFIX = "Pull request for"

def get_pr_info(pr_url):
    match = re.match(r".*<owner>\S+)/{1}(?P<name>\S+)/pull/{1}(?P<number>\d+).*$", pr_url)
    if not match:
        raise ValueError("Cannot parse pull request URL, bad format")
    return match.groupdict()

def get_pr_api_url(pr_url):
    pr_info = get_pr_info(pr_url)
    return "" % pr_info

def get_pr_details(pr_url):
    return get_json_response(get_pr_api_url(pr_url))

def get_branch_url(pr_details):
    return "" % {
        'repo_full_name': pr_details['base']['repo']['full_name'],
        'branch': pr_details['head']['ref']

def get_username():
    url = ""

    res = get_json_response(url)

    return res['login']

def get_request_headers():
    return {
        'Authorization': "token %s" % config['github']['access_token'],
        'User-Agent': UA_STRING

def get_json_response(url):
    r = requests.get(url, headers=get_request_headers())

    if r.status_code != 200:
        raise ValueError("Request to URL %s failed with code %s: %s" % (url, r.status_code, r))

    return r.json()

def pull_request(card_url):
    Sends current branch for code review.

    #. Inspects current repository for branches
    #. If CARD_URL parameter is not specified, it inspects ``Doing`` on the :term:`Work Board` for the current working ticket (you should have only one working ticket in ``Doing`` that is assigned only to you). If it is specified, it inspects ``Doing`` on the :term:`Work Board` for the selected working ticket, and will raise an error if ticket is not found.
    #. Creates a pull request that references the trello card and references the PR on the card as well
    #. Moves the card to ``Ready``
    #. Opens the browser with the PR for further editing/review
    branch = get_current_branch()
    repo = get_github_repo()

    if '' not in repo:
        raise ValueError("Current git origin not on; aborting")

    ticket = get_current_working_ticket(card_url)
    md_link = "[%(name)s](%(url)s)" % ticket

    pr_description = """

%(phrase)s %(link)s.

    """ % {
        'phrase': PR_PHRASE_PREFIX,
        'link': md_link

    repo_info = get_remote_repo_info(repo)

    url = "" % repo_info

    payload = {
        'title': ticket['name'],
        'base': 'master',
        'head': "%(owner)s:%(branch)s" % {'branch': branch, 'owner': repo_info['owner']},
        'body': pr_description

    r =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=get_request_headers())

    if r.status_code != 201:
        raise ValueError("PR ended with status code %s: %s" % (r.status_code, r))


    pr_info = r.json()

    ticket_comment = "Sending [pull request #%(number)s](%(html_url)s)." % pr_info

    comment_ticket(ticket, ticket_comment)

    print("Pull request %(pr_id)s for trello card %(ticket_url)s send!" % {
        'pr_id': pr_info['number'],
        'ticket_url': ticket['url']

def verify_merge(pr_url, headers, max_waiting_time=30, retry_time=0.1):
    merge_url = get_pr_api_url(pr_url) + "/merge"  #
    start_time =
    succeeded = False

    def do_request():
        r = requests.get(merge_url, headers=headers)

        if r.status_code == 404:
            if < start_time + timedelta(seconds=max_waiting_time):
                return False
                raise ValueError("GitHub says PR hasn't been merged yet and I've reached the waiting time of %s seconds" % max_waiting_time)

        elif (r.status_code not in [200, 204]):
            raise ValueError("Can't get PR merge info with status code %s" % r.status_code)

            return True

    while not succeeded:
        succeeded = do_request()

[docs]def merge(pr_url): """ This merges PR on Github into master: #. Inspects the current repository and the pull request #. Switches to master and brings it up to date #. Merges the PR locally and pushes to master #. Deletes the merged branch from the remote repository/github TODO: * Comment the associated Trello card """ pr_details = get_pr_details(pr_url) # Check if PR is ready to merge - OPEN status verify_pr_state(pr_details) # Check if required status checks passed for the PR verify_pr_required_checks(pr_details) # Check if PR GitHub repository matches the current repository verify_gh_repo(pr_details['base']['repo']) # Check if master is ready; if not (e.g. failed, pending), confirm with the user try: verify_branch_required_checks(branch_name="master") except ValueError: click.confirm("The master branch hasn't passed the required checks. Do you still want to continue?", abort=True) sha = pr_details['head']['sha'] merge_sha = git_merge( sha=sha, message="Merging pull request #%(number)s: %(title)s " % pr_details ) headers = get_request_headers() verify_merge(pr_url, headers) # All good, delete branch branch_url = get_branch_url(pr_details) r = requests.delete(branch_url, headers=headers) if r.status_code != 204: raise ValueError("Failed to delete branch after merging pull request, go do it manually") print("#%(number)s merged!" % pr_details) post_message("[%(repo_full_name)s] Merged PR #%(number)s: %(title)s (%(commits)s commits, %(comments)s comments)" % { 'repo_full_name': pr_details['base']['repo']['full_name'], 'number': pr_details['number'], 'title': pr_details['title'], 'comments': pr_details['comments'], 'commits': pr_details['commits'] }, "#deploy-queue") return { 'sha': merge_sha, 'owner': pr_details['base']['repo']['owner']['login'], 'name': pr_details['base']['repo']['name'], 'number': pr_details['number'], 'description': pr_details['body'], 'html_url': pr_details['html_url'], 'title': pr_details['title'], 'branch': pr_details['head']['ref'] }
[docs]def check_status(pr_url=None, branch_name=None, error_on_failure=False): """ Returns status and required checks status of a given PR or branch. This can be used to determine if a PR/branch can be merged without issues. Required checks might involve a status of a CI build, status of code reviews, etc. (see Pull requests #. Checks for Pull Request current state (open/closed) #. Retrieves required checks status (success/failure/pending) Branches #. Retrieves required checks status (success/failure/pending) """ if not (pr_url or branch_name): return if pr_url: pr_details = get_pr_details(pr_url) try: # Check if PR state is open verify_pr_state(pr_details) # Check if PR is ready (all required checks passed) verify_pr_required_checks(pr_details) except ValueError as exc: if error_on_failure: raise else: print(exc.message) if branch_name: try: verify_branch_required_checks(branch_name) except ValueError as exc: if error_on_failure: raise else: print(exc.message)
def verify_pr_state(pr_details): pr_state = pr_details['state'] message = "PR state: %s" % pr_state if pr_state != 'open': raise ValueError(message) print(message) return message def verify_pr_required_checks(pr_details): status_url = "" % { 'repo_full_name': pr_details['base']['repo']['full_name'], 'head_sha': pr_details['head']['sha']} pr_checks_info = get_json_response(status_url) message = "PR required checks (%(count)g): %(state)s" % { 'count': len(pr_checks_info['statuses']), 'state': pr_checks_info['state']} if pr_checks_info['state'] != 'success': raise ValueError(message) print(message) return message def verify_branch_required_checks(branch_name): repo = get_github_repo() repo_info = get_remote_repo_info(repo) status_url = "" % { 'owner': repo_info['owner'], 'name': repo_info['name'], 'branch_name': branch_name} branch = get_json_response(status_url) message = "Branch required checks (%(count)g): %(state)s" % { 'count': len(branch['statuses']), 'state': branch['state']} if branch['state'] != 'success': raise ValueError(message) print(message) return message def verify_gh_repo(pr_gh_repo): origin_gh_repo = get_github_repo() if origin_gh_repo not in [ pr_gh_repo['git_url'], pr_gh_repo['ssh_url'], pr_gh_repo['clone_url'] ]: raise ValueError("The pull request is for the repository %s, while your origin is set up for %s" % ( pr_gh_repo['git_url'], origin_gh_repo)) def get_pr_ticket_id(description): match = + ' ' + r"\[.*\]\(<id>\w+)/.*\)", description) if not match or not 'id' in match.groupdict(): raise ValueError("Can't find URL in the PR description") return match.groupdict()['id']
[docs]def deploy(pr_url): """ Deploys PR to production #. Does :ref:`pr-merge` #. Inform people on Slack about the merge and the deployment intent #. Prepares Heroku deploy slugs using ``grunt create-slug`` #. Waits for CircleCI tests to pass #. TODO: If they fail, asks for retry #. Asks for deploy confirmation #. Notify others on Slack about deploy #. Deploys #. Creates a release on GitHub, using merged branch name as 'ref'. #. If it can figure out related Trello card (looks for "Pull request for <link>"), moves it to "Deployed by" column #. Does *not* bring beer yet, unfortunately """ merge_info = merge(pr_url) repo = get_github_repo() repo_info = get_remote_repo_info(repo) slug_creaction_rc = run_grunt_in_parallel((['grunt', 'create-slug'], ['grunt', 'create-slug', '--app=apiary-staging-pre'], ['grunt', 'create-slug', '--app=apiary-staging-qa'])) if slug_creaction_rc != 0: raise ValueError("One of the slug creations failed. Check output few lines above.") print("Waiting for tests to pass...") ci_info = wait_for_tests( sha=merge_info['sha'], owner=merge_info['owner'], name=merge_info['name'] ) if ci_info['failed']: notify('Apiary Deployment', "Tests FAILED for %s" % merge_info['sha']) raise ValueError("Circle build failed. TODO: Auto retry.") notify('Apiary Deployment', "New version %s ready for deploy" % merge_info['sha']) # Insert newline print('') click.confirm("Ready for deploy! Do you want me to deploy %s as the new version of Apiary?" % merge_info['sha'], abort=True) post_message("Deploying \"%(title)s\" in 15 seconds" % merge_info, "#deploy-queue") sleep(15) check_output(['grunt', 'deploy-slug', '--app=apiary-staging-qa']) check_output(['grunt', 'deploy-slug', '--app=apiary-staging-pre']) check_output(['grunt', 'deploy-slug']) comment = "Deployed by me with version %s. Please verify it works." % merge_info['sha'] try: ticket_id = get_pr_ticket_id(merge_info['description']) move_to_deployed(card_id=ticket_id, comment=comment) except ValueError: if click.confirm("Moving card failed. Open PR in browser?", default=True):['html_url']) create_release(ref=merge_info['sha'], payload='', description="Deployed to production", repo_info=repo_info)
def create_release(ref, payload, description, repo_info): """ Create release in github after deploy to production """ url = "" % repo_info body = { 'ref': ref, 'payload': payload, 'description': description } r =, data=json.dumps(body), headers=get_request_headers()) if r.status_code != 201: print(r.json()) raise ValueError("Create github release ended with status code %s: %s" % (r.status_code, r)) def run_grunt_in_parallel(grunt_commands): """ Helper function to run grunt commands (e.g. deploy or slug manipulation) for multiple environments in parallel""" return_code = 0 commands = [] for command in grunt_commands: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: app = get_grunt_application_name(' '.join(command)) commands.append({'app': app, 'process': Popen(command, stdout=f), 'log':}) print('Running `{}` with PID {}'.format(' '.join(command), commands[-1]['process'].pid)) print('\n') while len(commands): sleep(5) next_round = [] for command in commands: rc = command['process'].poll() if rc == None: next_round.append(command) else: if rc == 0: print('Grunt task for {} completed successfully.\n'.format(command['app'])) os.remove(command['log']) else: return_code = rc print('Grunt task for {} failed with exit code {}.'.format(command['app'], rc)) print('Logfile can be found at {}\n'.format(command['log'])) commands = next_round return return_code def get_grunt_application_name(command): app_search ="(--app=|-a=)(\w+)", command, re.IGNORECASE) app = if app_search else "production" return app